The Problem:

Federal agencies have a long and sordid history of illegally targeting American citizens to gain political advantage. Government agencies like (but not limited to) the FBI, DHS, and DOJ are actively working to silence and suppress citizens who subscribe to ideas that differ from the regimes’. Americans are being targeted for their political affiliations, viewpoints, and their religious, philosophical, and medical beliefs.

Federal Agencies are complicit in:

The Solution:

Americans deserve a thorough investigation into woke & weaponized federal agencies to determine the totality of the problem, recommend a complete set of reforms to protect Americans, and refer for prosecution all offending officials and agents who are determined to have violated the law. To that end, we call on Members of Congress to assemble a stand-alone committee with broad investigative powers focused on woke and weaponized agencies and personnel within the federal government.


This proposed path has precedence. In 1975, Senator Frank Church formed an independent committee, the Church Committee, in response to domestic intelligence agencies and their abuses on the American public. Their discoveries testified to widespread and illegal targeting of Americans that included surveillance, harassment, and harm.